How to fix the Uncaught TypeError in slider

If you’re not able to upload/assign a background image for your slide, or you’re getting a “punchgs is not defined” message in your slider settings console. Then kindly follow the below step to get rid of it.

Step 1

Open the file in this path wp-content/themes/theme-folder/function.php using some editor like DreamWeaver and scroll to end of the file.

Step 2

Then paste the below code before the php closing tag.


if( is_admin() ) { add_filter( 'script_loader_tag', 'tp_theme_filter_overrides' , 10, 4 ); }

function tp_theme_filter_overrides( $tag, $handle ) {return str_replace( 'defer', '', $tag );}


If you don’t want to edit the theme file, then install a Child Theme and add the code to the child theme’s functions.php file instead, as this is always best practice for custom code additions.

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