Hi, i don’t see the theme I purchased as an option in this forum. I need help on setting up and importing the entire demo just as it looks here: http://preview.themeforest.net/item/insurance-consulting-wordpress-theme/full_screen_preview/19277890?_ga=2.53130600.1933349623.1660159761-1136433274.1658264095
The first option on the left.
I thought there would be instructions in a file on how to install everything but there is nothing. Please advise as there are no instructions that come with the files????
And it automatically installed wordpress 6 do I need to revert to the older 5.8 wordpress version for this theme to work?
Also what is ideal size for the logo in the header? It does not mention a recommended size.
Thank you for contacting us.
1) You can import the demo content via the unyson plugin. Kindly refer our knowledgebase link for how to import the demo contents using the unyson plugin http://docs.wedesignthemes.com/dt_articles/import-demo/
Please check your server requirements. Please refer the below link for server requirements http://docs.wedesignthemes.com/dt_articles/requirements-for-theme/
Kindly, send us your site credentials (WP &FTP access logins) details by marking “Set as private reply” so that we can receive your details in private and check the issue.
2) Our defult logo size 130px x 40px
We have fixed the issue. Kindly, have a look.
Please refer : http://recordit.co/xhGUcV2tNU
Images used in the demo are not included for download, these images are copyrighted, if you are planning to use the photos we can provide the links to buy license.
Image Purchase link : https://docs.wedesignthemes.com/image-link/insurance.txt
But we do provide gray images as placeholders for any image that is on our demo, so users can simply change them out for their own. Most of our demo images came from https://www.shutterstock.com/ or from https://www.bigstockphoto.com/
https://unsplash.com/s/photos/insurance-companyAll image changes : https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-bulk-upload-wordpress-media-files-using-ftp/
Note: we are always looking for ways to improve the quality of our theme, services, and customer support. If you have a moment, kindly rate us. Have a look at the video for the rating process. http://recordit.co/YqdTBuEJRm
Hoping for a 5 star rating from your end 🙂
Kindly, send us your site credentials (WP &FTP access logins) details by marking “Set as private reply” so that we can receive your details in private and check the issue.
Please refer: https://prnt.sc/IwGbWXhl4Yfs
I have another question in addition to what I already asked. For the slider what do I need to add to this to link to another one of the pages on the site:
| LEARN MOREThat’s in the section on the first slider for the button but where would I add in the html link to another page on the site?
Hi, one more thing, i need help with adding links to these buttons at the very bottom in the footer.
They say Contact us and Get a Quote. I found where I can edit them in the widgets section but I don’t see how I can add a link. Please help with this too.
For Footer buttons on the Home page :
Kindly navigate to Appearance => Customize => Widgets => Footer Column-1-4 where you can add as per your needs.
Have a look: https://prnt.sc/1hW2N6fpklZP , https://prnt.sc/zDuLtOrLXF4c
For buttons on the Insurance page:
Kindly navigate to Pages => Insurance => Image caption settings and add the link value given below reference link.
Have a look: https://prnt.sc/BQ2k__v8BnYz
Thank you!
Hi, one more thing. I can’t find where I can edit the phone, email, and button links at the very top of the website also. Can you show me where to edit those too. And it appears my last message did not post. Here is everything I need help with:
1. Adding link=”” did not work on any of the links for the buttons on the insurance page or in the footer. Also does not work in the slider either. I tried href=”” also but it did not work either. Please advise. You can log in and add it yourself and see that it doesn’t work.
2. Need to know how to edit the links and the phone/email at the VERY top of the website. Can’t seem to find it anywhere.
Hi, this did not work. Here is link: http://screenshot.how/uploads/uvpCda and the page is located here: https://bradleyinsuranceinc.com/insurance-offered/ You can see it will not take them to the quote page. Please advise.
I also asked about the links in the slider too but did not get a response. I assume it’s the same thing but using link= is not working. Here is what I said in my first message:
“I have another question in addition to what I already asked. For the slider what do I need to add to this to link to another one of the pages on the site:
| LEARN MOREThat’s in the section on the first slider for the button but where would I add in the html link to another page on the site?”
1) We have fixed the button link issue.
Please have a look: https://recordit.co/dHM8i09EB4
2) Kindly navigate to Appearance => Insurance Child Options => Layout => Heder => Enable Top Bar where you can add your link as per your needs.
Kindly Refer:
Thank You!
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