Dream Spa : Theme Installation

Theme Installation

1. At first, after purchasing this theme, please download the package from Themeforest. All you need to do that is move your mouse over your login name in the right top corner (of course after you`re logged in Themeforest) and then click Download. Here you will find all the items that you have purchased.

2. In the next step click the Download > Main File(s) button next to designthemes theme and save the package on your computer.

3. Please unpack the whole package after downloading it from Themeforest. In that package, you can find things like documentation.zip, dreamspa.zip, dreamspa-child.zip, and revolutionslider-export.zip files.

Note : If you try to install the wrong files you will get missing styles.css file error. This is the most common error meaning you are trying to install incorrect package.

Update WordPress : To ensure a positive user experience, we highly recommend you to update your WordPress to the latest stable version 4.0 or higher. This will help to ensure that you are able to utilize all of the latest features of WordPress.

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