I create a certificate template in my DT LMS paid plugin and when the user try to download it, it appear as just a text on an A4 format, and no template. Can you please help me?
SimonaHi Simonakonova,
Please send us your updated website credentials, including your WordPress (WP) and FTP access logins, as well as the page URL. To ensure your privacy, kindly mark your reply as “private”. We will use this information to investigate the issue you are experiencing.
For your reference, please visit https://prnt.sc/IwGbWXhl4Yfs.
Thank you.
We are currently processing your query, and we will inform you once it’s completed.
Thank you!
Previously, we were able to see the page with the certificate download button, but now it seems inaccessible. Please check the issue and let us know. additionally please provide the certificate download issue and notifications issue pages URL.
Thank you!
The student login details provided are invalid. Kindly verify and send the correct credentials so we can check and resolve the issue as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Hi Simonakonova.,
We are currently working on your query and will include a fix in an upcoming theme update. You will be able to download the updated version from Themeforest.
Hi there,
You can expect the fix in the upcoming theme update, and we will notify you once it’s completed. You’ll be able to download the updated version from Themeforest.
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