According to the description of the theme 10 different pre-configured layout shall be available. These 10 Layout I cannot find on my installation.
I installed the demo content via the import of the Buddha Panel. Demo data seems not to be complete.
I tried to install via Unyson. But it turned out that the import of demo content is not available in the tools menu of the dashboar. When I check plugin’s according to online documentation the DesigThemes add-on is not available. Where can I get this?
Hi Fred.,
By default we have added the default demo content under the importer option. If you want to install other than that you can install via the unyson plugin which contains the all the demo contents.
Refer the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/dl6mqv
Kindly refer our knowledge-base link http://wesupport.wpengine.com/knowledge-base/how-to-install-the-demo-content-via-unyson-plugin/ for how to upload the demo content via the unyson.
If you still have any issues, kindly send us your WordPress admin login and FTP Login Credentials through the right bottom form located @http://themeforest.net/user/designthemes so that we will check the issue and we’ll import the demo content from our end.
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