Hi raduchira.,
Please make sure that the student wants to take the next curriculum item only if the previous one has been evaluated. If some quizzes require manual evaluation, the student must wait for this evaluation before proceeding to the next curriculum item. Alternatively, if students do not wish to take the next curriculum item, they can simply submit the current one without needing it to be evaluated.
If students want to proceed to the next curriculum item only after the previous one is evaluated, enable the “Curriculum Completion Lock” button. If students want to move to the next curriculum item as soon as the previous one is submitted, enable the “Open Curriculum On Submission” button. Do not enable both options at the same time.
Please check if the curriculum issue persists. If the problem continues, please send us your site credentials, including your WP and FTP access logins, by marking your response as private. This will ensure that your details are kept confidential. Once we receive your information, we will provide you with further updates.
Please have a look: https://prnt.sc/WNHNlyG1d5Lg
Thank you!