Super : Javascripts

This template imports following Javascript files.

  1. Easing (easing.js)
  2. Modernizr (modernizr-2.6.2.min.js)
  3. Mean Menu (jquery.meanmenu.js)
  4. Isotope plugin (isotope.js)
  5. Nice Scroll (jquery.nicescroll.min.js)
  6. CarouFredSel plugin (jquery.carouFredSel-6.2.0-packed.js)
  7. PrettyPhoto (jquery.prettyPhoto.js)
  8. Tabs (jquery.tabs.min.js)
  9. bx Slider plugin (jquery.bxslider.min.js)
  10. video ratio(jquery.fitvids.js)
  11. Smart Resize (jquery.smartresize.js)
  12. And custom js like (custom.js)

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