LMS: Woocommerce Subscription Product with custom post courses

If you are going to sell the Class or Course individually, its enough if you choose the WooCommerce Product option alone.

If you want to use the subscription products in your site means you need to install/activate the plugin YITH WooCommerce Subscription.

WooCommerce Subscription Product

If you like to sell the classes / courses individually, you can choose the product in “WooCommerce Product” option.

If you like to sell the classes and/or courses in bundle, you have to choose the “WooCommerce Subscription Product” for each and every class and course in that package.

So that when user purchase that product from product single page, than user will get access to all the Class and/or Courses in that package.

WooCommerce Subscription Product price won’t be displayed in Class or Course single page.

If you didn’t choose “WooCommerce Product” for subscription class or course, than it wll be considered as free course or class individually.
So, its necessary to choose “WooCommerce Product” for subscription class or course. Reason behind this is if user like to purchase particular course or class individually instead of purchasing whole subscription package which consists of unnecessary class and courses ( according to that user ).

So, now user have option to purchase that particular class / course individually or whole subscription package.

Watch following video for better understanding

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