LMS : Course Payment Gateway Options

Our theme default Course module is integrated with two payment options.

  1. S2Member Paymet Gatway
  2. WooCommerce Payment Geteway

You can choose either one of the payment method from Dahboard > LMS > General > Advanced > Payment Method.

Please make sure you have activated corresponding plugins before choosing option here (Under the path Dashboard > Appearance > Install Plugins).

S2Member Payment Method

When you choose this option you can sell/assign the course license duration period based upon the membership levels. And you can set the S2Member option under the Dashboard > LMS > LMS > S2Member Settings.

If you want to change the member level text means get into the option Dashboard > S2Member > Generaloption > Membership Levels > there you can edit the membership level text.

  • Here you can set default currency symbol with curreny position which will be used in front end display
  • Under the ADVANCED settings you can assing the S2Member level Descriptions which will appear in the purchase page, Period of the licences it must be greater than one, Term (Days, Weeks, Months, Years, Lifetime) and Price for the package (Applicable only for s2Member Level 2, s2Member Level 3, s2Member Level 4,…).

This setting reflects in the membership template page. When you have enabled the S2Member payment option, it is also integrated with the classes payment method. Using the S2Member payment method only you can assign the classes package price. Otherwise you cannot assign/sale the classes.

S2Member Levels

By default S2member plugin has four member levels only.

  1. S2Member Level 1 -These are users who are going to purchase only particular course or class, which you can be find under their corresponding tab.
  2. S2Member Level 2, S2Member Level 3, S2Member Level 4 – Under this three levels users will have access to all courses and classes for specified period and term. Price have to be mentioned here.

Using the S2Member default version it allows PayPal gateway only. When you install. activate the S2Member Pro version, then only you can use the complete payment gateway options which are supported by the S2Member (Stripe, Authnet, Clickbank).

And also when you use the S2Member Pro version it supports unlimited number of member levels.

Our theme comes along with the S2Member default version alone. If you need, you can purchase the S2Member Pro version individually.

How to add the price

When you have enabled the S2Member payment option you can give the course price under the corresponding course page.

When you leave the price text box as empty, it considered as the free courses.

How to create Membership page

Login into your backend and navigate to Dashboard > Pages > Add New. Choose Membership Template under the page attrubute option.

How to assign the membership page

Login into your backend and navigate to Dashboard > S2Member > General Options > Membership Options Page > there you can assign the page.

WooCommerce Payment Method

When you have enabled woocommerce payment option, it generates the WooCommerce Product meta boxex in the course page. You can create a products under the path Dashboard > Products > Add New.

How to assign the product and prices

Get into the corresponding course page under the option WooCommerce Product attribute you can choose the product. If you leave the value as none then the course considered as free course.

Then get into the corresponding product page under the product settings you can assign the price for the product ( Which is used by the courses ).

If you want to assign the subscription levels in woo-commerce means you need to install/activate the additional plugin like YITH Woo-commerce Subscription.

How to assign the price symbol

Get into the option Dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings > General Options > Currency option > there you can choose the currency symbol.

And there you can assign the currency position.


If your payment option is woocommerce following points are applicable,

    1. To sell the class / course individually, you can choose the product in “WooCommerce Product” option.
    2. If you like to sell the classes and/or courses in bundle, you have to choose the “WooCommerce Subscription Product” for each and every class and course in that package.
    3. If you didn’t choose “WooCommerce Product” for subscription class or course, than it wll be considered as free course or class individually.
    4. So, its necessary to choose “WooCommerce Product” for subscription class or course. Reason behind this is if user like to purchase particular course or class invidually instead of purchasing whole subscription package which consists of unnecessary class and courses ( according to that user ).
    5. So, now user have option to purchase that particular class / course individually or whole subscription package.

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