Turning your WordPress site into a community with BuddyPress has never been easier thinks to improvements in recent versions of the social networking plugin. In this article, we’ll show you how to install and configure BuddyPress on our theme.
Activating BuddyPress Components
Navigate to Admin Panel > Settings > BuddyPress > and select the Components tab.By default, some but not all of the components are selected. You can select as many or as few of these as are relevant for your site.
Configuring Pages
Before moving on to the Pages tab, however, you’ll need to create a couple of pages: for registration and activation. BuddyPress has already added two more pages for you: Activity and Members.
Get into Settings > Buddy Press and select Page Tab.Here you need to assign all pages.
Configuring Settings
It gives you a number of options for features you can choose to enable or disable. These are:
- Main Settings: enable or disable the toolbar at the top of the screen for logged-in users, and specify whether users can delete their account themselves.
- Profile Settings: allow members to upload their own profile picture, and sync BuddyPress and WordPress profiles.
- Groups Settings: let users create groups, and choose whether to allow customization of group avatars.
Activity Settings: enable activity stream commenting on blog and forum posts as well as BuddyPress updates, and auto-referees the activity stream in real time.
Select the ones that are relevant to your site and click the Save Settings button.
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