Contact form7 with the recaptcha

Contact Form 7 Changes to Google reCAPTCHA (from Real Simple CAPTCHA)

Contact Form 7 has also moved away from using their own Real Simple CAPTCHA plugin, to Google’s reCAPTCHA system for handling spam and abuse.

If you are currently using the Real Simple CAPTCHA for your contact form 7, or if you want to use a CAPTCHA system in future, you will need to obtain a Google reCAPTCHA API key. The Really SimpleCAPTCHA is no longer supported on Contact Form 7.

To obtain and activate Google reCAPTCHA on your Contact Form(s):

1. Go to and login with your Google account (if you don’t have one, you’ll need to set one up.)

2. Once you login, you’ll enter a ‘Label‘ or name you want to use for your site (for example Joe’s Plumbing) or for a group of sites.

3. Next enter the domain name(s) you want to use the reCAPTCHA key for and click ‘Register.’

Register a new site for Google reCAPTCHA

4. A new page will open in your browser where you will find the ‘Site key’ and the ‘Secret key’ (I’ve blacked out these keys in the image below.) These keys will need to be copied and pasted (or typed … good luck with that) into the ‘Integration’ area of the ‘Contact’ plugin (next step.)


5. Login (domainname/wp-admin) to your website dashboard and hover your mouse over the word ‘Contact.’ This will open up the Contact Form 7 links/menu where you will find the ‘Integration‘ link. Click on the ‘Integration‘ link to open the ‘Integration with Other Services’ tab. Click on the ‘Configure Keys‘ link.


6. In the new tab that opens, enter the Google reCAPTCHA ‘Site key‘ and ‘Secret key‘ in the spaces provided. Click ‘Save.’


7. Once you have entered the keys and saved them, you need to open the ‘Contact Form’ area and choose the form you would like to add the Google reCAPTCHA feature. Open the contact form, put your cursor where you would like the reCAPTCHA feature to appear, and click the reCAPTCHA shortcode (red circled below) and the shortcode will appear in the body of the form. (You can also type the shortcode in as it appears circled in the image below.) Once this has been added, click ‘Save.’


8. Once you’ve done the above, go to the Contact forms on your website to make sure the Google reCAPTCHA feature is showing. (The image below is what you should see in the form.)


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