Basic Translation
You can follow these steps to make basic translations for your wordpress core.
Step 1 : Open wp-config.php file by logging into your FTP account and look for following line define(‘WPLANG’, ”);. Define your local language here, examples fr_FR, ru_RU,. Then your code will look like this define(‘WPLANG’, ‘fr_FR’);. For more information on language codes Click Here
Step 2 : ‘Trendy Travel’ theme and ‘DesignThemes Core Features’ Plugin (bundled with theme) are translated separately. The theme po file will be inside trendytravel / languages folder in the name of and default.po and plugin po file will be inside designthemes-core-features / languages folder in the name of and dt_themes-default.po
Step 3 : You can use these files as base for your translation. In order to make wordpress recognize the language to which you want to translate the theme, you will have to name the the language files accordingly. For example the file name of French language would be fr_FR.po and for theme, dt_themes-fr_FR.po and for plugin.
Step 4 : To translate the and default.po file in your language, follow the steps below.
- Download and install the POedit here.
- Open the default.po file in POEdit and you will find all English text strings in the left column. Once you add translations those will show up in the right column.
- Choose the line you want to translate and then check the lower part of the POEdit window where you will find a textarea to add the correct translation.
- When you are done translating all needed strings save the file with your language code, for example: fr_FR.po(theme) and .dt_themes-fr_FR.po(DesignThemes Core Features plugin). Make sure files are in the respective folder for theme (trendytravel / languages) and for plugin (designthemes-core-features / languages).
Note : You can also refer POedit site to get some additional information.
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