- style.css – The Main style.css
- The css folder – contains the CSS for all major browsers, font awesome and responsive to make the site responsive for all devices (Please ensure that your new styles are applied. Also make sure that they carry enough “weight” and there isn’t a style lower in the CSS file that is being applied after yours.)
- The framework folder – contains all the theme functions and admin options to the better use of theme.
- The images folder – contains all the images that are being used in the stylesheets for the layout purpose and it has a subfolder named patterns, prettyphoto, colorbox which contains images used in corresponding stylesheets.
- The includes folder – contains the theme support include files.
- The languages folder – contains default.po and default.mo language files to be used for multi-language purpose.
- The skins folder – contains the CSS for only one predefined color skins that comes along with this theme.
- The framework \ js \ public folder – contains javascript files and plugins as follows,
- CarouFredSel plugin for testimonials
- Colorbox plugin for content preview animation
- BXSlider plugin for slider animation
- Donutchart plugin for progressbar animation
- FitVids for Fit video to container width
- Inview plugin for animation purpose
- Isotope plugin for filter gallery
- MobileMenu plugin for responsive menu
- Scrolls
(jquery.nicescroll.min.js, jquery.scrollTo.js)
- Sticky plugin for sticky navigation
- UITOTop plugin for Goto Top animation
- Validation plugin for form validation
- Skin Chooser plugin
(controlpanel.js, jquery.cookie.js)
- Parallax plugin for background parallax animation
- PrettyPhoto plugin for image preview animation
- SmartResize plugin for resizing module at responsive
- And custom js like
- CarouFredSel plugin for testimonials
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