How to translate the theme

In this article, We will show you how to translate Theme and our Core-plugin using
i) poedit & ii) WPML plugin

If you are running a Multi language site, you need to install the WPML plugin Or if you are running a Single language site other than English. Say for example if you are running “French” site only You can go with “poedit”.

Download poedit here

i) designtheme  is referring to Theme-folder (wp-content / themes / theme-folder(designthemes))
i) fr_FR is referring to French language code
ii) “dttheme-core” is referring to  slug name of Core-Plugin

I. Poedit

Theme Translation:

First, you need to change language, For ex: “French”
i) Go to Dashboard / Settings / General and select language(ex: French language ) then save settings.

Second, you need to create language-code.po file and translate words.
ii) Please go to wp-content / themes / designtheme / languages / – Here you can find theme pot file (In our older themes, you can see default.po file)
For ex, designtheme-slug-name.pot – Rename this pot file into po file.
Ex: designtheme-slug-name.pot into fr_FR.po (OR) default.po into fr_FR.po

Here : fr_FR is French language code

iii) Open fr_FR.po file and translate the words. Finally you will get the mo file there while saving the .po file. After translating words you can check those changes in front-end.

Core Plugin translation:

i) Go to wp-content\plugins\designthemes-core-features\languages – here you can find dttheme-core.pot / default.po / dt_themes-default.po  file

ii) Rename dttheme-core.pot into dttheme-core-fr_FR.po. Open this po file and translate the words. While saving this po file automatically mo file will generated ( then check front page.

Here: “dttheme-core” is slug name of Core-Plugin



Kindly refer the below link for how to merge the two PO files (new and old) together.

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